The Story so Far...
In just their first year since forming, Roscoe Street have established themselves as one of the most talked-about new artists in the North-West with numerous headline sets under their belt. In May 2024, the band played a sold-out set at the iconic Cavern Club described by Ella J Gordon as "Electrifying, brimming with infectious energy" . The momentum is hardly slowing, with continued acclaimed performances in Merseyside and beyond.
Sonically, the Anglo-Nordic fusion know how to bring the party. They take inspiration from funk icons such as Nile Rodgers and Red Hot Chilli Peppers, and thrust it firmly into the indie-rock space alongside artists like Foals and Tom Misch. A blend of irresistible guitar grooves and hypnotic saxophone melodies bridge the gap between funk, rock and R&B to create something entirely unique.
Roscoe Street write about the world they live in, and where they fit into it. Their second single, "Another Glass" was released in July of 2024 and was embraced as another student anthem; self-aware, deeply relatable and crucially a '"breath of fresh air" in the space. With a fresh run of singles ready for 2025, the best is yet to come.
Stage plans + more can be found